deploying Greencloud with SCCM.

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deploying Greencloud with SCCM.

Post by jenshendrickx »


I want to deploy greencloud on a bunch (250+) of computers in our network.
We have a sccm server running but i can't seem to find any information on a .msi installer or the commands list that goes with the .exe.
The things i'm looking for is:
1) A way to do a silent install?
2) how to include the poduct key in the installer so greencould will be activated the moment it's installed?
3) A general guide on the extra commands that can be given to the .exe installer.
4) Same as above but for updates.

Thanks in advance,
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Post by Phil »

Hi Jens,

the FAQ seems to be missing information about silent installation, I will update it to include this soon.

To answer your questions:
1) You can use either the /silent or /verysilent parameter. The first one will still display the installer interface (progress, etc), while the second one will display nothing at all.
2) The license key is stored as REG_SZ in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ObviousIdea\GreenCloudPrinter, value name is LicenseKey. You can probably add it through a script or reg file. If required, we can also provide a customized installer (depending on our arrangement).
3) We are using Inno Setup, which supports a list of command line parameters
4) updates are using the same installer, so same parameters can be used.

Let me know if you need any further information.
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