ATOM Gps / obviousidea stop or not ?

phototagging is the action to associate the GPS data to photos ( jpeg ) to show pictures on the map ( google earth )
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ATOM Gps / obviousidea stop or not ?

Post by Fabrice »

ATOM GPs was a program developped when I was still in VSO-Software
I don't know if it is a program we should invest back some time on it. as more and more devices are including the GPS information ( I think about the panasonic TZ20 )

is there any users of this product, and what you would like to see added ? changed etc...

what is the gps datalogger devices you have to create the gpx log ?

Post by pfgbel »

Admin wrote:ATOM GPs was a program developped when I was still in VSO-Software
I don't know if it is a program we should invest back some time on it. as more and more devices are including the GPS information ( I think about the panasonic TZ20 )

is there any users of this product, and what you would like to see added ? changed etc...

what is the gps datalogger devices you have to create the gpx log ?


This utility program is a real mine for more and more people using now photo-gps geotagging. I am a heavy user of these devices and wrote several articles about this (in borh english and french).
I do not know a single software are able to achieve such operations so simply and so fast !! Futhermore ATOMgps is reliable in any circumstances and can be used with almost any brand of data-loggers !!
I receive very often questions from photo-gps users who are in great difficulty to transfer their geographic data into the metadata of their image files and I always suggest them to use ATOMgps. Many of these people sent an email back to me just to say that thanks to ATOMgps their issues were definetly fixed.
One of the great powers of this tool is that it can read and process typical gps data file that are in raw "NMEA" type, plus many other generic types like .gpx for instance.

If I had a wish about this software, it would be to give the user the opportunity to keep the processed files with the same name as the original and not a new name that makes difficult to identify the source name of the image. Also giving the opportunity to the user to keep untouched the original date of the image file.
So I think the update of this software is not so heavy and could be achieved without investing so much as the basis already exists and works fine !!

Please keep it alive and upgrade it lightly, you will make happy many many users !!friendly,

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Post by Fabrice »

thanks Pol, we are actually working on it, we had hard time to test if it was working as before.

Once the Exif and GPS are updated, what is the tool / software you recommand to see the pictures on a map ?

Post by JoMC »

Keep on developping, this program is very useful for manualy geotagging old pictures taken with non-yet GPS equiped devices, as well as scanned pictures (or for correcting ill-tagged pictures).
Thanks a lot!
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Post by Fabrice »

JoMC wrote:Bonjour,
Keep on developping, this program is very useful for manualy geotagging old pictures taken with non-yet GPS equiped devices, as well as scanned pictures (or for correcting ill-tagged pictures).
Thanks a lot!

thanks for adding a message. there are not a lot of them. Actually we are back on gps geotagging as we have released gps stone for Iphone under ObviousIdea branding. but it is still not a lot of message and known active users to continue or fixing reported bug.

so actually you use it only for manual tagging of your photos on the map ?

Post by JoMC »

Admin wrote:so actually you use it only for manual tagging of your photos on the map ?
In fact, yes. I was looking for a EXIF editing tool to manualy enter GPS tags in photos and as ATOM-GPS allows to achieve this using maps, I adopted it ;)

Btw, I did not managed to download ATOM from your site (using Firefox 5), the download buttons seem to have no effect :(
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Post by Fabrice »

thanks a lot for the report about the download link, I think I have fixed it now.
do you have a smartphone you could use to generate the .gpx tracking file ?

Post by JoMC »

Admin wrote:thanks a lot for the report about the download link, I think I have fixed it now.
It works!
do you have a smartphone you could use to generate the .gpx tracking file ?
I am currently struggling with my Nokia C7 which can certainly do it, just have to find the right app ;)
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Post by madisonbrock »

This is a really a new tool, Atom GPS freeware easily geotags your photos directly from your GPS device or track log. I used these tool which is fantastic.
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Post by Fabrice »

thanks for the comment, what software for photo geotagging are you using ?

Post by cristofa0088 »

Hi everyone, I am new in this forum. I am a network engineer, but I wanna learn about photography. Please help me with all the answers of my questions.

I understand few thinks about photography. But this thing like GPS i don't know what is the use of it?

Please anybody explain me please please..........
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