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Deploying Light Image Resizer 6

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 3:53 pm
by Phil
Here are some information on how to deploy Light Image Resizer in your enterprise environment.
By default we provide an EXE installer package, but depending on your needs you may also choose an MSI package.

EXE Installer

The following installation parameters are available for unattended software deployment:

Installation wizard is hidden, only installation progress is shown

Installation wizard and progress are hidden

Example command line:
light_image_resizer6_setup.exe /silent

MSI Installer

If you prefer an MSI package for deployment, it can be found here: ... installer/

License information

To deploy the license data, you just need to add two registry values named "LicenseKey" and "LicenseEmail" as follows:

Code: Select all

Key:   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ObviousIdea\ImageResizer\6.0
Name:  LicenseKey
Type:  REG_SZ
Value: <Your License Key>

Key:   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ObviousIdea\ImageResizer\6.0
Name:  LicenseEmail
Type:  REG_SZ
Value: <Your License Email>
LicenseKey should be the key you received with your purchase.
LicenseEmail should be the email address used to purchase (included in the confirmation email).

If you are not sure which email address is associated with your license, or need further information, please contact our support.