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Not Saving Changes

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:39 pm
by Gotmoxie
I recently switched from aWeber to Mailchimp. I'm trying to change my codes but they're not saving. Here's what I've done:

1. Completely uninstalled WP Subscribers and then re-uploaded. Old code still showing, won't let me delete.
2. Deactivated my WP Total Cache. Still not saving.

What else should I try to do to clear out the old aweber code and save the mailchimp? Right now I click on "save" and nothing happens.

Anyone else run into this?


Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 6:56 pm
by nico_pn
Hello Gotmoxie,

I don't see exactly where it doesn't work. Is the "Detect form code" button working ?

Here is a video tutorial on how to integrate mailchimp form :*
It's in french but, I hope you'll find here the solution.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:14 am
by Gotmoxie
Thank you Nico, I think I was impatient again. I should have waited a while before checking back. When I came back to this later in the afternoon, I was able to hit "save" and it worked fine.

Thanks for your patience and your suggestions. I did watch the video, and it did give me some guidance, even if je ne parle pas français. ;-)

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 10:04 am
by nico_pn
Glad to see it works now.

Félicitations ;-)

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:27 pm
by jwiggs
nico_pn wrote:Glad to see it works now.

Félicitations ;-)
I am seeing the same problem on my site. I went through the demonstration video you provided, and still I am having no luck.

I generate the embed code at MailChimp, paste it into the Code Detector, hit the "Detect Your Form Code" button. The fields fill in just as they do in the YouTube video. However, when I click the button to "Save Changes", a little info popup appears at the bottom of the page that says "Please match the requested format" and the form does not submit.

Currently running WP Subscribers 1.40

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:54 pm
by Fabrice
hi Jim, I replied to your email too. but please confirm if it is what I said, and then we will update with a temporary procedure to workaround the chrome issue.

Re: Not Saving Changes

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:09 pm
by jwiggs
Admin wrote:hi Jim, I replied to your email too. but please confirm if it is what I said, and then we will update with a temporary procedure to workaround the chrome issue.
Sorry, it is not the chrome issue. I am using Firefox 12.0 on a Linux Mint desktop. I will reply to your email as well.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:02 am
by Fabrice
first you would need to confirm the issue with the latest version to avoid mixed fixes.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:14 pm
by Fabrice
another method for the workaround :

reload the option page
put the mailchimp form , save but without using the detect code !!
then in this case you can save, then load and use detect code.

I don't know if we are very clear, but we are still working to narrow down the problem.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:43 am
by jwiggs
Admin wrote:another method for the workaround :

reload the option page
put the mailchimp form , save but without using the detect code !!
then in this case you can save, then load and use detect code.

I don't know if we are very clear, but we are still working to narrow down the problem.
Tried this tactic. I was able to load the mailchimp form, save without detecting. When I reloaded the page, the mailchimp form code was there, but as soon as I clicked the "Detect Code" and then the "Save Changes" button, I got the same error popup "Please match the requested format".

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:05 am
by Fabrice
also, we have this alternative mailchimp access, it's the API getaway, please give it a try ... ibers.html

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:56 pm
by jwiggs

I've pulled down a copy of the latest and will be trying this out tonight.


Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:38 am
by jwiggs
OK, I've installed the latest and gone through the tutorial. This API integration is far from complete.

The tutorial says: "you need to set up your form as usual... in... /wp-content/plugins/wpsubscribers/mailchimp.php"

What does this even mean? Going through mailchimp.php, it appears that this code is set up to do some preprocessing of form inputs, then instantiating a mailchimp api class to communicate with MC. It doesn't appear to be getting used at all, however.

I've been all through the wpsubscribers code files and for the life of me I can not figure out where the mailchimp.php code file *ever* gets used. It is never brought in using an include() or require() statement. Not even one that does it indirectly by using a variable representation.

Are we supposed to use mailchimp.php as the "action" value for our email forms defined in the HTML form code administration interface? If so, NONE of the documentation states this, but it's the only explanation I've been able to come up with that makes sense.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:03 am
by Fabrice
ok I think there is a missing screenshot :) or a part unfinished

it should look like this ... h57_00.png

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:32 am
by jwiggs
OK, so my guess was correct.

Hopefully you can get this updated in the tutorial in the near future.

If I might make a suggestion, make it clear in the tutorial that the form definition will need to have a hidden input defined for the mailing list ID, with a form variable name of list_id, or it won't work. Also, mailchimp.php looks for a POST variable named "email", not "EMAIL". On Linux, at least, these values are case-sensitive, so the example given in the image you posted would probably not work.
