GPS Stone - Visual milestones

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François de Margerie
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GPS Stone - Visual milestones

Post by François de Margerie »


First, I really enjoy your app. In my capacity as monitor for a motorcycle driving school, I've used your app to map rides with my students. The ability to review the rides afterwards allowed me to come up with absolutely great rides for them, both challenging and enjoyable.

Before using your app, I began mapping my rides with a Sports tracker. There's one thing that app does I find really nice; it's that it will show you milestones in various increments depending on the zoom used looking at your map. For instance, lets say I did a 40 km ride. When I look at the overall ride, it will show me a milestone at every 10 km. When I zoom in a bit, I'll get milestones at every 5 km, and so on until I get a milestone every km.

This function is useful in gaging how far I can go in a specific amount of time thus getting back to "school" in time without trading the quality of the ride. It also allows me to see the change in directions I may have taken when my paths cross over each other. I'm adding attachments to try and depict what I'm trying to convey here.

I hope this sounds like something you could add to the app. If you need bit more information, feel free to contact me.

All the best, and keep up the good work!
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