if you want to see a .gpx online , you can try this :
See sample of a gpx trip :
but with ATOM GPS you have more option like the timeline to know where you were , when and the direction of the trip.
if anyone knows better gpx viewer online, I would be happy to check them and add to the thread
gpx is a popular format generated by gps data logger device , it's also the most common format for photo geo tagging.
you can also produce a gpx track file with gps stone for iphone
gpx viewer ?
gpx viewer ?
- Attachments
- 2011-05-29 16h49_15.jpg (19.58 KiB) Viewed 13437 times
Turkcell, çalışanlarına gönderdiği e-postada,http://www.sanalforum.biz oriphone 5 telefonun Kasım ayında piyasaya çıkacağını duyurdu.Her şey açık seçik ortada.